What is Freedom?

Freedom is being able to live out who you were made to be. Often times pain, hurt, choices, and circumstances get in the way of living out Freedom in our lives. Everyone at Freedom is on the journey to live out true Freedom. Freedom is knowing who God made you to be and receiving His healing from lies, wounds, oppression and all that stands in the way of the life Jesus has for you. Freedom comes through hearing God’s word and responding to God’s word. We will explore how to hear from God, how we have power in Christ, and how to reclaim the life God has for us!

When does Freedom meet?
Our regular meetings take place between 6:30 pm and 8:00pm on Monday nights. We do observe national holidays.
Where does Freedom meet?
Our regular meetings take place between 6:30 pm and 8:00pm on Monday nights at Southbay Church. We do observe national holidays.
Who can come to Freedom?
You do not need an appointment simply join us on Monday night. Some people come because they have circumstances or trials that are difficult in their life, and some come because they are not living the life they want to be living. Still others come to receive encouragement, direction, or prayer ministry. Everyone is welcome! Students 12 and up are welcome to participate in Freedom night. However, due to the sensitive topics brought up in support group, please notify Christina@Southbay.cc
if you have a student who would like to participate so that we can connect them
with an age appropriate group.
Why should I come to Freedom?
Do you ever do things that you do not want to do? Is there someone, something, or some circumstances that is holding you back from living the life you were destined for? Do you feel distant from joy, peace, and contentment? Perhaps you feel enslaved to behaviors, thoughts, fears, or drugs? Maybe you feel stuck in a cycle that never lets you get ahead! Join us in Freedom and discover the life you were meant to live.
How often do I need to come to Freedom?
You can come as often or as little as you like however, for the most impact, we recommend you attend weekly. For those enrolled in a Freedom Group, we ask that you commit to attend weekly to support the group processes.
What should I expect when I come to Freedom?
First time guests should expect to be greeted by a Freedom leader or participant and welcomed to Freedom where you will be shown how to check-in and get a name tag. You will be provided with whatever Freedom materials you may need for the night. We often have refreshments before we being. At 6:30 pm we a have a speaker who will present on a topic for 20 – 30 minutes. At 7pm participants will break up into Freedom groups. Guests will be invited to shadow a Freedom group. If you decide to join a Freedom group after shadowing, your freedom leader will help you schedule an orientation.
What is a Freedom Group?
A freedom group is a support group that will help you connect with others who are overcoming trials, addictions, or personal struggles. Each group practices confidentiality so that there is a safe and secure environment to share. Freedom groups are not teaching or therapy groups.
How do I join a Freedom Group?
If you are interested in joining a Freedom group notify one of the leaders and they will connect you to an orientation time or you may schedule one online. At orientation you will be given an introduction to what a Freedom group is and have an opportunity to ask questions about the group format. At orientation your freedom leaders will help determine which Freedom group is right for you.
Do I need to attend an orientation?
Orientation is where you will be introduced to the Freedom process, set your Freedom goals, and work with the Freedom leaders to determine which group would be best for you. We ask all participants to attend orientation before joining a Freedom group.
What is Freedom Prayer?
We believe that often times our life struggles and behaviors have their roots in pain, hurt, and aloneness. Our Freedom prayer teams are equipped to teach you how to identify these roots, and to help you with the tools you need to transform them. Freedom prayer is a private appointment with a Freedom prayer team. Freedom Prayer appointments are available with registration which can be made online.
How long will I need to attend Freedom?
Everyone has a different story and a different need, but what remains the same for everyone is that you will not need Freedom ministry forever. Our goal is to provide you the tools you need to learn about Freedom and practice living it out. While there is not a set time limit, Freedom Team members will frequently talk about what it will look like for youto graduate and move onto your next step.
When will I know that I am done with Freedom?
Freedom is a way of life, however when you have learned, practiced and know how to use the Freedom tools you are ready to graduate! You may not have a problem-less life, but you will have what you need to conquer your battels and live in Freedom. Freedom Team members will work with you regarding your next steps toward living out Freedom in community, however Freedom ministry is designed to jump start your process, provide intensive healing, and support you to a higher level of freedom in your daily life.

Who makes up the Freedom Leadership Team?
The Freedom team is a group of volunteers who have experienced Freedom in their own lives. Some come from struggling with fear, shame, guilt, anxiety, addiction, depression, PTSD, and the like. Each Freedom team member is interviewed and supported through the time they volunteer. Freedom team members abide by confidentiality guidelines as set up in the group model. Freedom Team members are not professional staff or
professional counselors.
How do you keep my information private?
All participants are asked to agree to and follow the confidentiality guidelines. Compromising these safety rules would put a participant at risk for exclusion from Freedom activities. We want to promote an environment of safe and private sharing to support healing.
Do I need to bring anything?
No but feel free to bring a friend or family member!
Is Freedom Counseling?
Is there childcare available?
I just took the Discover Freedom Class, now what?
How do I join the Freedom Leadership Team?

Do you still have more questions? Submit your questions below!

Freedom Information Request

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