Prayer & Freedom

Care Team Ministry

“For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.” Matthew 25:35-36 NLT

The Care Team Ministry functions at South Bay Church to NURTURE, PROTECT, PROVIDE, and GUIDE the church body and community in the form of COACHING, COUNSELING, and COMFORT.

Here are some of the ministries within the Care Team Ministry:  

Intercedes in prayer on behalf of those that turn in prayer request from our prayer cards. They also make themselves available at the end of Sunday service to pray for people directly who come forward with prayer needs. To make a prayer request, click here.

Interested in the Serve Team click here.

1-hour individual prayer session focused on addressing barriers to spiritual health or ongoing stresses. To register for a session click here.

Interested in the Serve Team click here.

Individual prayer session focused on being encouraged, strengthened and comforted as well as praying for physical healing in your body? To register for a session click here.

Interested in the Serve Team click here.

Offers those who have lost a loved one a way of finding help in dealing with their sadness and sorrows. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. To see the upcoming group gathering click here.

Marriage coaching on how true intimacy opens the door for healing, sweeter communication and a marriage that can sustain the tough things that life can bring. To learn more about receiving marriage coaching or upcoming workshops, please email

Ministers to church members who may not be able to connect with the church body physically due to illness, injury, or physical limitations that keep them at home. Interested in the Serve Team click here.

Visits church members who are in the hospital multiple days after surgery, illness, or medical emergency. If you have any upcoming major surgeries, please email

Interested in the Serve Team click here.

Provides meals to families for a period of time who could use some help during common life events such as loss, surgery, or birth of a baby.

Interested in the Serve Team click here.

Send cards in the mail to church members for sympathy and encouragement after experiencing common life events such as loss, surgery, or birth of a baby.

Interested in the Serve Team click here.

If you need care or ministered to please click the link