South Bay Women

Empowered Women

United in Purpose, Impacting the World

We believe that women, especially when united, are a powerful force with great impact in our world. When we lay aside our differences and focus on the things that unite us, anything with God is possible. 

Together, we live out our mission to Care, Equip & Send. So, wherever you are in your walk with God or in life, we have a place for you to plug in through South Bay Women!

Growth Track

Join the Growth Track

Learn about our vision, discover your unique gifting, and embrace the biblical values needed to grow spiritually, personally, and in your leadership.

Development Programs

Our mentorship program is designed to help mentees draw closer to God through intentional, weekly meetings with a dedicated mentor. 

Apply Now for 2024: 

WiLD (Women in Leadership Development) is designed to help deepen your relationship with the Holy Spirit and challenge you to take action on things He has placed within you. WiLD is a seven-session commitment that builds relationships through discipleship, coaching, and mentoring.

How to Contact Us

Let's Chat. Connect with SBW's First Impression Team:

Contact Form

Facebook Group

Digital Connect Card

Digital Prayer Card