
At South Bay Students, our passion is to see the next generation glorifying God, growing in their knowledge and love of Christ, and enjoying the fellowship of the Spirit.

SBS is a safe place where 6th – 12th graders can grow in their faith alongside others their age. Everything from our games, worship music, sermon, and small group discussions are geared to help students grow in their love for God, knowledge and experience of the truth, and in Christ-centered community.

Want to know more about the vision of South Bay Students?  

Our passion is to see God glorified in the next generation, our students growing in their love for Christ, and empowering them to enjoy the fellowship of the Spirit.
We believe that this happens primarily through biblical discipleship within the home. Scripture teaches us that God’s Word should be taught and talked about during our daily home life. The Holy Spirit will use this time to renew minds in the truth and deepen love for God. Our goal is to support and equip parents so that this can happen with the greatest effectiveness.

As our Students see their parents in a growing relationship with the Lord, and as these conversations happen around dinner tables, we believe God will shape their hearts so that they are prepared to take on the adult world as Christ-centered, Spirit-filled, and kingdom-minded adults ready to glorify God in all that they do.

Equipping Students to Live Out Their Faith 

We also believe that one of God’s prominent tools for transforming hearts is through expository preaching of the Word. That’s why every Sunday our Students meet to hear the Scriptures opened and preached. Through this, and Small Group breakouts, they have the opportunity to learn, ask tough questions, and discuss how to be do-ers of the Word.

Finally, a key piece to being a part of the Church is understanding what role God has called them to play in the body of Christ. Students will be taught about the gifts of the Spirit, encouraged to pray about God’s purpose and calling on their life, and given opportunities to exercise and grow in these areas.

At SBS, it is our goal that our Students are provided with a safe place to ask difficult questions, equipped with the truth of God’s Word, encouraged, and sent back into the world filled with the Holy Spirit and ready to take on whatever comes their way because they know the One who is the Way!


All About

South Bay Students

You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers! 

On Sunday nights starting at 5:00 pm we host our student service for all 6th-12th graders. This service contains teaching and material specific to the middle and high school age-range. During a typical Student service we will have games, live worship music, teaching, and small group breakouts!

Whether your student is in middle or high school, here’s what to expect when visiting South Bay Students for the first time.

First, we will meet your family, check your student into the system, and then one of our volunteers will lead your student to our meeting space.

Upon checking in for the first time, we will ask you the following personal information (NOTE: we value your privacy and will not share this information with anyone):

  • Parent / Guardian name(s)
  • Student’s name
  • Student’s birthdate
  • Home address
  • Phone number
  • Any special instructions (allergies, special needs) for your student

Our typical flow for the night will be something like this:

  • 30m: Games
  • 1hr: Worship Service (music and sermon)
  • 30m: Small Group discussions

As a parent, you are more than welcome to stick around for the first couple of services to see what it’s like. You can choose to wait in the lobby or sit in the back of the auditorium during service, but small group break-outs will be student and student leaders only, as this is a personal space where students feel safe to share what they’re going through and ask challenging questions around their faith.

Subscribe to Us on YouTube!

Join us over on YouTube for Message clips, parent tips, and more.

Meet our Student Pastor

Hey there! My name is John Shockley and I have the incredible honor of serving as the Student’s Pastor here at South Bay Church. My wife and I have been married since July 25th 2009 and love every day that we get to do life and ministry alongside each other. We have two dogs and two cats (I know, cats are unpopular, but we love them!), we moved down from Kentucky (for the beach obviously), and we’ve forsaken all to follow Jesus Christ!
The Lord has placed inside of me a passion to see people grow in their knowledge and love of Him. Everything I do in pastoring our next generation stems from that passion. I believe that in knowing God as He truly is, our students will grow in their love and devotion to Him. For this reason, it is my aim to rightly divide, simply teach, and worshipfully preach the Scriptures. I believe that as their minds are sanctified in the truth of God’s Word, their hearts will be inflamed to treasure Jesus, and they will live Spirit-empowered lives!
So, my commitment to the parents of our students is that, at SBS our students are encouraged to seek God above all else, the Scriptures are faithfully preached, small group discussions are safe places to ask tough questions, and students are given opportunities to learn, grow, and operate in the gifts they are given to serve the Church and mission of Christ.

Got Questions?

If you have further questions concerning our South Bay Students experience or visiting South Bay Church with children, simply click the button below to get in touch with us!